Birthday Fan Chat Reminder

As part of our site’s first birthday celebrations, we are holding another fan chat. We are scheduling the chat for today to bring as many fans together as we can to discuss David/Grimm/life etc. We have tried to aim for a time that most people will be online, but, unfortunately, some countries may miss out. The chat will be held at 9pm (UK time), which is 4/3/2/1pm across the US. You can find the converted time for your particular country by checking out the link below:

Time Conversions

We hope to see some of you there today for a fun and crazy chat. Just click on the link below at the scheduled chat time:

Enter the chat room


Birthday Fan Chat Details

As part of our site’s first birthday celebrations, we have decided to hold another fan chat. We are scheduling the chat for Saturday 24th August to bring as many fans together as we can to discuss David/Grimm/life etc. We have tried to aim for a time that most people will be online, but, unfortunately, some countries may miss out. The chat will be held at 9pm (UK time), which is 4/3/2/1pm across the US. You can find the converted time for your particular country by checking out the link below:

Time Conversions

A link to the chat room will be posted on the day. Hope you can all make it!

Fan Chat Update

Just to remind you that our fan chat is this Sunday 7th April. There has been a change in the scheduled time, however, meaning that the chat will now be held at 10pm (UK time), which is 5/4/3/2pm across the US. You can find the converted time for your particular country by checking out the link below:

Time Conversions

A link to the chat room will be posted on the day. Hope you can all make it!

Fan Chat Details

Fancy chatting in real time with other David fans? Well, now you will have the chance. We are scheduling a fan chat on Sunday 7th April to bring as many fans together as we can to discuss David/Grimm/life etc. We have tried to aim for a time that most people will be online, but, unfortunately, some countries may miss out. The chat will be held at 9pm (UK time), which is 4/3/2/1pm across the US. You can find the converted time for your particular country by checking out the link below:

Time Conversions

A link to the chat room will be posted on the day. Hope you can all make it!