Team Giuntoli is 11 today!

Team Giuntoli is 11 years old today! Thank you all for taking the time to visit the site, I’m happy to see that you are all interested in the site and its social media profiles. I still find it hard to believe that what started as a small, unknown fan site is keeping you all interested 11 years on. I know it’s been very quiet on the David front recently so I am very thankful for and appreciative of your loyalty and continued support of the site and social media pages.

I’d like to send out another huge thank you to David  because without him the site wouldn’t exist! Thank you for bringing us all together with your wonderful talent, great sense of humour and warm-hearted personality. I hope that you enjoy the work that the site does and that you continue to find it a source of support and respect for you throughout your career. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for you next.

So, thank you all once again for your continued support of Team Giuntoli for an eleventh year.

Feel free to leave a little message in the guestbook to share your thoughts on the site or you can e-mail me at:

Helen Berrington
Team Giuntoli Admin

It’s our 10th birthday!

We’ve reached a milestone! Team Giuntoli is 10 years old today! That’s a whole decade of David love! Thank you all for taking the time to visit the site, it really pleases me to see that you are all interested in the site and its social media profiles. I still find it hard to believe that what started as a small, unknown fan site is keeping you all interested 10 years on. Although we do have a lot of quiet news days, I hope that you all still enjoy the news posts and links that I post. If I ever miss something please feel free to let me know.

I’d also like to send out another huge thank you to David because without him the site wouldn’t exist! Thank you for bringing us all together with your wonderful talent, great sense of humour and warm-hearted personality. I hope that you enjoy the work that the site does and that you continue to find it a source of support and respect for you throughout your career.

So, thank you all once again for your continued support of Team Giuntoli for a tenth year. I still enjoy working on the site and have no intention of stopping, so here’s to the next 10!

Don’t forget to join in our celebrations by donating to our charity fundraiser for St Louis Arc via the link below.

Team Giuntoli 10th Birthday Fundraiser

Feel free to leave a little message in the guestbook to share your thoughts on the site or you can e-mail me at:

David with Team Giuntoli admin, Helen.

Helen Berrington
Team Giuntoli Admin

Team Giuntoli is 9 today!

Team Giuntoli is 9 years old today! Thank you all for taking the time to visit the site, it really pleases me to see that you are all interested in the site and its social media profiles. I still find it hard to believe that what started as a small, unknown fan site is keeping you all interested 9 years on. I hope that you all enjoy the news posts and links that I post, if I ever miss something please feel free to let me know.

I’d also like to send out another huge thank you to David  because without him the site wouldn’t exist! Thank you for bringing us all together with your wonderful talent, great sense of humour and warm-hearted personality. I hope that you enjoy the work that the site does and that you continue to find it a source of support and respect for you throughout your career.

So, thank you all once again for your continued support of Team Giuntoli for a ninth year. Don’t forget to join in our celebrations by donating to our charity fundraiser for St Louis Arc via the link below.

Team Giuntoli 9th Birthday Fundraiser

Feel free to leave a little message in the guestbook to share your thoughts on the site or you can e-mail me at:

Helen Berrington
Team Giuntoli Admin

Team Giuntoli is 8 today!

Team Giuntoli is 8 years old today! Thank you all for taking the time to visit the site, it really pleases me to see that you are all interested in the site and its social media profiles. I still find it hard to believe that what started as a small, unknown fan site is keeping you all interested 8 years on. I hope that you all enjoy the news posts and links that I post, if I ever miss something please feel free to let me know.

I’d also like to send out another huge thank you to David  because without him the site wouldn’t exist! Thank you for bringing us all together with your wonderful talent, great sense of humour and warm-hearted personality. I hope that you enjoy the work that the site does and that you continue to find it a source of support and respect for you throughout your career.

So, thank you all once again for your continued support of Team Giuntoli for a eighth year. Don’t forget to join in our celebrations by donating to our charity fundraiser for St Louis Arc via the link below.

Team Giuntoli 8th Birthday Fundraiser

Feel free to leave a little message in the guestbook to share your thoughts on the site or you can e-mail me at:

Helen Berrington
Team Giuntoli Admin